Friday, October 31, 2014

The musical cure: Why jazz is good for the brain

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Studies have been conducted investigating the effectiveness of music therapy in aiding the recovery of patients with mental disability or those who suffered from stroke. These studies concluded that listening to jazz has potential benefits to their physical and mental health.

Jazz has the power to influence the types of brainwaves we produce. Songs with distinctive syncopation or fast beats can bring out Theta brainwaves, which are creative brainwaves that can induce "Eureka!" moments. Jazz trains the mind to think creatively and critically, improves its focus, maintains motivation, and reduces fatigue during a workout.

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Relaxing music also has the power to reduce anxiety and stress and is as good as any massage. These kinds of music can bring about Alpha brainwaves or Delta brainwaves. The difference between the two is that alpha brainwaves are produced when the brain synchronizes with the beat of the music (of up to 60 beats per minute). They can relax you but keep you conscious. Delta brainwaves have the opposite effect;they can induce better sleep especially if you're listening to soft and slow music in a relaxed position.

The other health benefits of jazz include:

● 25% less depression than non-listeners
● Improved memory and focus
● Aid in recovery for stroke victims
● Lowers and maintains blood pressure

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I am Lou S. Habash, a jazz dance instructor. Learn more about why you should get into jazz by following me on Twitter.

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